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To make someone happy. Be able to make a person blossom and feel happiness. Turn negative into positive. To bring out their inner strength and mannifest it. Just be with yourself. Thats my driving force and my mission.

You are in constant development, it is the course of nature. You want more and it makes you feel good. But sometimes it is hard. Through my creations I will remind you of the light, the joy and the love.

My business is located in Gothenburg. I have the privilege and are very grateful to be able to work in the environment where I feel absolutely best. By the sea where I find peace and calm. In the nature that gives me power and energy. My inspiration begins there and comes from various life events, phases and desires.

With my art I want to remind you of the best of life, laughter and playfulness.

With clothes and textiles I want to lift, strengthen and clarify the beauty of the person.

As a spiritual medium I want to give faith, hope and love.

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